Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!

Traci L.

Just a quick note to say Happy New Year and so many thanks for the thoughts, prayers and comments over the past year!  On a day when I was having a low moment, a card would come that made me think I actually could get better!  Although I walk unaided with a lurch, I am out of the wheelchair and living independently.  My left hand is getting stronger, with more gross motor skills--I'm hoping for finer ones soon!  When this blog posts, I may try rotary cutting again.  Have started cutting a plus sign runner.  Beautiful chambray colors on a pale gray.

Many years ago, I longed for a year off to sew and catch up on quilting.  Part of the wish came true--already 13 months off--but no sewing progress.  Be careful what you wish for!

Many of you may think I had forewarning of the stroke--I did not.  I had driven to the barn, fed and turned out the horses, driven home, turned on the computer, fed and brushed Dickens, and was simply walking across the kitchen when it hit.  The drugs took effect and I was staying in ICU overnight.  Apparently, I had a second stroke overnight--the one that caused the damage.  Now I am 13 months into rehab for something that took seconds to cause!  The neurologist said it was caused by a blood pressure spike.  Normally my blood pressure is fine--nothing to treat for--just one of those things.  I thank God that I am young enough, strong enough and determined enough to recover everything I can!

I did not have a picture of fireworks, but thought Traci's quilt would fill the bill!  My design, Laurie Derr's machine quilting, and Traci's fine workmanship all combine into one fantastic quilt!  The other pic is sunset on Lake George.  A wish for all loveliness in 2019 and beyond!

Happy New Year, everyone!  "See" you next year!

Giant blissful hugs to all,

Monday, December 24, 2018

A Look Backward and Forward

I vividly remember last Christmas! Still in a wheelchair, my brother having to help me into and out of the car. Pudding-thick liquids, still in the nursing home.  Now I can get in and out of the car, only use a cane on uneven ground, and my left hand is strong and getting better every day.  Still knitting, but I have a strong urge to sew! Even poor stitching cues the hand recovery. Growing tired of reading so much and the cleaning/shredding is coming to an end. Way past time to be better--which I am--but I feel ready to try to adapt my procedures. It's been an interesting year but it has gone fast! Please don't take good health for granted! I don't think I did, but there is good lesson here somewhere!  The neurologist did say mine was caused by a blood pressure spike--how on earth do you treat for that?  Normally it was low, but it took just seconds to do the damage and it's over the year mark for recovery.

Making breakfast casserole for tomorrow. You'll find the recipe under the Recipes tab on the left sidebar.

Happy holidays and so many thanks to all who have supported me throughout this ordeal!

We all need more laughter!