In September, I leased Pompera, my main squeeze, and we went on an adventure. (I'd been telling her about it for months!) Strawberry Fields, where I take lessons, trailered Pompera to a different farm where the two of us participated in a Centered Riding Teacher Certification clinic. Whoa back, readers...we were student riders, not going for teacher certification! I was lucky enough to spend four whole days with Pompera and other horse-minded people. And other horses, too!
These pictures were taken on day three. I was assigned two teacher candidates. They alternated days of being lead teacher and assistant. While we completed paperwork in which we stated what we hoped to accomplish, I also added that I was willing to learn anything they wanted to teach me! What a blast!
We wove in and out of five cones at walk, slow trot, and very fast trot! We did a labyrinth twice--where you walk in, halt, turn, halt, turn and walk forward, halt--and keep repeating until you walk out! (This is only part of what we did!)
Four days of being at the barn over 12 hours a day! Cleaning stalls, feeding, watering, grooming--ahhh, spa days indeed. I got home each night dirty, tired, and eager to go back.
The moral of this story? Grab the gusto while you can. I don't want to get to the end of my life and say "I wish I had". What makes your heart sing? An old saying, but one I've taken to heart the last few years: If it is to be, it is up to me. I can make it happen if I want it enough and am willing to work for it. How about you?
Blissful hugs,