Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!

Although long silent, I am glad to report that I am still here.  While still some lasting (so far) impairment, I have made progress! For the moment I cannot figure out how to add photos, so I will describe what skills I am glad to see a glimpse of.

First, I've been able to hand APPLIQUE my sleeves and complete labels to my quilts and to hand finish binding.  It takes a bit longer than before...but it's better than nothing and looks like my old stitching.

Second, I hand pieced a full hexagon block with pass-throughs, circled eight seams to finish another block. Again, very slow going but the points and stitches are the same as before the stroke.

I am able to pin better, which has increased my accuracy.

I can rotary cut better, still only right handed, but it's easier to leap frog my left hand on the ruler and hold it; I rarely use the flat iron to hold the end of the ruler, and that is only on my 24". 

Counted cross stitch is keeping me entertained. Getting more control and a better looking back.

Still knitting but better.  Shawl started again and looks much better.

Have made close to 400 masks.  I remember joking about Halloween fabrics when we started making them in March!  Who knew we would need Christmas, too.

Had a bit of mask fabric in my bag and have started a mask quilt using 3.5" squares of all the mask fabrics alternating with a light blue speckle.  60 x 72 inches and about half done.  No borders, just blocks to the edge.  

As soon as I can figure out the pictures I will show you all this stuff and more.  Also updating Hummingbird Highway's info on blog.  She has moved her blog and you can read all the posts we have been missing.  I'll try to be more frequently here this year. 

Stay safe, wear your mask in public (correctly), socially distance and stay home when you can.  Let's get rid of Covid 19 in both iterations early this year.  All the best for 2021 to you and your family.

As Arnold Schwarzenegger says:  "I'll be back."  Threat or promise to be determined!

Distant, blissful hugs,



  1. just checking if this is working

  2. Happy New Year, Sharon!

    So very glad to hear from you. Have been worried with no posts for so long. Looking forward to rid of COVID forms and to seeing you again soon.

    Take care my friend!


  3. Happy New Year. Its great to hear that you are keeping busy and doing various skills. Good for you. Quilt on.

  4. Happy New Year Sharon! So happy to read you are sewing. Miss seeing you. Here's hoping 2021 will be a better one.

  5. Hi Sharon,
    Glad to see your quilting is getting better and better. Keep on working. I love your idea of a bit of selvedge on your labels, especially if you get the designer's or the fabric's name.


Don't be shy! Leave me a's so lonely without hearing from you!