I know that last November when I told you I had stood up on the back of a horse, and ridden upside down and backwards, that you found it far-fetched to say the least. Most of you politely nodded (but I saw the eye-rolling!).
Now, here is proof positive that I really did do those things!
Standing up, horse standing still.
Me with leg in air, horse moving.
Riding upside down and backwards, horse moving.
And me on the ground beside Maggie--I couldn't have done it without her!
It was a great experience and I hope I can do it again. For now, I'm just trying to stay in the saddle. And let me state for the record that I've never aspired to be a flying Wallenda!
Happy Friday night!
Blissful hugs,
P.S. I am listening to Unlucky 13 by James Patterson.