Friday, February 22, 2013

How Great You Are

I bet you've forgotten how special you are.  Just the act of living a life takes its toll and we seem mired in place.  Same old, same old.

Let's try something and see if it catches on.  Each day lift your head and look around you--really look.  (I see some of you rolling your eyes...that's NOT looking!)  Look for something that makes you smile, something that makes you gasp in amazement, something that makes you sigh with pleasure.  Notice the trend?  Look for something good!  It really is there.  Some days you will have to look hard, but you won't be disappointed.

It's surprising how looking for the good becomes a habit.  Your spirits will lift and you will just look at life differently.  Let's become "the-glass-is-half-full" people instead of "the-glass-is-half-empty" people.  

Working, living or playing with grumpy people?  Smile--smile big--make them wonder what you're up to.

You can share your good things here, share them with a friend or significant other--or just keep them to yourself.  Everyone's good things will be different--but it'll all be good.

I've been doing this for a couple months now and I can see a difference.  Join me?  

Blissful hugs to every one of you special people,

1 comment:

  1. I'm in...! It's funny you should write this today - this is what I posted on FaceBook late last night "Hand stitching... it is therapy for me... thinking of others that are struggling right now with health issues or other challenges... Remember to be thankful for all that you have and don't loose sight of what is important... blessings to those that are less fortunate.

    Sharon -- have a wonderful day ! and thanks for the smile.



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