Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Flowers for You

Yes, these are pictures from last year--but I can't wait to see the spring blooms. So I was looking through my pics and decided to share some with you.

As many of you know from my website, I have two cats, Tatty and Callie, and one boxer, Lynnie. In late December I had to have Tatty put down--she was 27 years old and had been with me since she was a kitten. She showed up at our house in mid-January, clinging to our screen door--someone had dropped her in a horrible storm. We took her in and the rest, as they say, is history. Although she had gone blind, she could navigate in the house and loved her moist treats. But from Friday to Saturday, she went from okay to definitely not okay. The vet said it was time. I miss her every day--she purred whenever you touched her and loved to cuddle in your lap. Here's a picture of her after she had torn the bag containing shredded paper and made herself a bed.

Think spring--it is coming--Mother Nature is just toying with us!

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