Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Update

How was your weekend? I spent half of mine teaching and the other half getting ready to teach this week! With 3 full-day classes and one half-day, I need to stay organized and try to pick up the right combination of bags for each day! I probably have the largest supply of the extra-large LL Bean totes of anyone I know--and I load them down for each class. I also have one bag that goes to all classes--it contains extra rulers, markers, my picture book, rotary cutter, scissors, sandpaper boards, a first aid kit and lots more. I am enamored of the Coast Guard motto: Semper Peratus--Always Prepared.

How's this for rude? I had a student in my hand quilting class last week who said that she had taken hand quilting from a different teacher, who told her, before the class was over: "You might as well give up, you will never learn this"! Talk about demoralizing! Luckily she didn't listen and came to my class--where she did an excellent job and picked up the technique like nobody's business! So if a teacher is rude to you, don't give up--find someone else who can make your quilting dreams come true. There's nothing like the smile on students' faces when the AHA moment comes and they realize that they can indeed do it.

A Reminder: PLEASE remember to close the guard on your rotary cutter before setting it down, or between cuts. It is so easy so think nothing bad will happen to you if you don't, but in the blink of an eye you can do serious damage to yourself or a loved one. Better safe than sorry. Some of you already see me standing over you (even when I'm not physically there!) telling you this--do not make me come over there!

Have a wonderful start to the week. Let's expect great things to happen every day! And let me know what you are up to--I love getting mail (comments).

1 comment:

  1. Sharon,
    Many thanks for another wonderful class. Your classes are just the best, with the perfect combination of learning and fun. Many people believe that because the are experienced at something they can teach it, ahhh not so! You are both a wonderfully talented quilter and a superb teacher. All we need now is Sharon's Naked Quilting, without a hoop of course ;)



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