Monday, July 7, 2008

With a Spring in My Step and a Smile on My Face

Very early in the morning, at the time I am usually going to bed, I will be off to teach in Florida. Ahhh, the life of the traveling quilter! I have to say that airline restrictions on baggage are not kind to traveling quilters. You know what I mean--quilters never travel light!

For those of you reading this who may be Feather Princesses, here is a sample of what I am working on for your two-day class. That funny yellow blob will be an eight petal flower when done. I'm looking forward to meeting all these ladies who do applique without making the sign of the cross and saying "EUWWW, the A-word!".

And, just because I could, I knit a wee sock the other night! Yes, it was knitted in the round, using the Magic Loop method, has a real heel flap, heel turn and all the stuff its big sisters/brothers do. I used a size 0 needle and yarn left over from my first pair of socks. My mom claimed her socks before I could get a picture.

There is a nest of robins outside my sewing room window--and the babies are fledging--here's the first one to leave the nest and try its wings!
And here's the porch mascot--a big old toad who stays up on the porch, apparently enjoying the view and dry feet!

I'll try to keep you posted about the trip--pics will have to wait until I return. Until next time, remember to spend a bit of time quilting every day--it may help bring some sanity into your life (or at least it can't hurt!).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sharon for a wonderful three days. We Feather Princesses
    had such fun at your trunk show. Your humor is a healing balm! I learned so much from the two day Dancing Flowers Applique class. Your warmth and generosity coupled with your skilled demonstrations and one on one tutoring enriched my journey to becoming a more proficient stitcher. I am so thankful for all your hard work, Janet Wachter in Tampa, Florida


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