Friday, September 3, 2010

Using the Newly-Acquired Stash, Part 1

Since inquiring minds wanted to know.... Twenty plus fat quarters of batiks--purchased just a few weeks ago for the Lake George retreat. Colors and textures we would see at the lake. The birch trees were a gift from Myra at the retreat. A fun and unexpected surprise. Here is the top laid out and the top three rows sewn together.
The center completed.
The border fabric was bought just a couple weeks ago--I thought it added a sense of depth and mystery to the center. But...a definite directional that did not look good when used on the top and bottom borders. So...what to do?
In the first picture, you see two different corner options. A plain square and a purple/tan four patch.
Then the border fabric with a light blue in a four patch.

The same fabrics in reverse positions.

Four different fabrics in a four patch.

The winner:

Half-square triangles to break up the borders on the corners. Both are directional fabrics and I used them to advantage. Looking at this quilt gives me a sense of serenity--much like the feeling I get while at Wiawaka for the retreat. I have my eye on a tree-printed batik for the backing--yes, coveting more fabric!

Surprisingly, much of my recently purchased booty is to finish things! So I am planning to share things as I get them further along. Sort of a mystery! (OK, not really.)


P.S. I just finished listening to The Black Hills by Nora Roberts (most excellent!) and am now listening to Kindred in Death by J.D. Robb. I'm reading horse training/riding books at the moment, so I don't imagine most of you would be interested. If you are, let me know and I'll share!

P.P.S. I recently heard of two quilters who had the new cotton/polyester thread by a well-known thread company actually MELT when ironed on a cotton setting! Literally melted and the seams pulled apart. Can you imagine? I'm sticking with good old 100% cotton thread. Just sayin'.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful quilt. Even with just a picture, I can feel the calmness and serenity of the piece. Perfect fabric to commemorate your retreat.

    Thanks for the pictures - your final plan for the borders seems just right. The HS triangles suggest flying birds - which fit right in with the whole effect. And thanks for the tip on the melting thread!


  2. I could not agree more on the corners. I would never had thought of that option and it's perfect!

    And the info on the thread - priceless!




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