Monday, September 6, 2010

Using the Newly-Acquired Stash, Part 2

Over the weekend, I actually cut and machine pieced an entire quilt top! It is about 60 x 80 inches and I just love the fabrics. The horseshoe and silver/gray print went well together, and I think the red was the perfect accent, even though there is no red in any of the fabrics.

I didn't have anywhere tall enough to take a full picture, so you will have to make do with an outside shot of most of it. It is so striking!

A close-up of one of the horse blocks.
And a bit larger section of the quilt, showing the four-patches and the two borders.

The pattern is in the June/July 2010 issue of Quilt magazine. It is called Swing Patch by Karen DuMont. I rarely make anything from someone else's pattern, but this just spoke to me, especially for the large horse print. I almost didn't know how to act with yardage already figured for me! This is a pattern that would be so lovely in the large florals available now, or any of the other great novelties.

Did you all enjoy the long weekend? Leaves are already turning color here in central New York. And the weather has turned brisk. Or at least it has been for the past few days. Rumor has it the temps will be back into the 80's by Wednesday.



  1. Beautiful quilt - the red really pull it together!

  2. Wow, Sharon!! I love it =))))

    Might be a horse thing...



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