Monday, July 8, 2013

600th Post and a Contest

Hard as it is to believe, this is the 600th post for this blog.  When I started blogging, I didn't really have any idea of how to go about it--just that I wanted it to be my voice and with content that might amuse, bemuse or befuddle readers.  How do you think I've done?

Now to the contest part.  You can answer one, two, or all three questions.  There will be a prize for each question.  You may only win once (even if you answer all the questions correctly).  There are a couple questions that some more local people may not participate in because you already know the answers (that would be called an unfair advantage).  So many rules...but it's only fair.  There may be at least one question you may have to -- horrors  -- guess at!

Here we go:

Question 1:  On July 1, 2013, I started something new.  It is not quilting-related.  What am I doing?

Question 2:  How many boxers (dogs!) have I had?

Question 3:  What is growing outside my kitchen window that might normally not get quite so big?

You have until 10:00 p.m. EST on Saturday, July 13,  to hazard a guess to these three questions.  You must comment on this blog post to be entered.  No exceptions!  For those readers not in the US--you can play too!  I know how to do international mail!

Thanks for sticking with me!

Blissful hugs,


  1. Congratulations on your 600th post! you are definitely keeping us amused ;)

    Now for a stab in the dark on your questions... Here goes:

    On July 1st 2013 you started ..... Wait for it......
    A new month with all your ironing done!

    Boxers? Humph.... 3 including lynnie... ?

    Outside that kitchen window... Are we counting the rabbits, woodchucks, deer, vines, bird houses where a spruce tree once stood, bird nests, corn or beautiful sunsets?


  2. I think I know the answer to the first question - riding/training Morgan horses.

    Question 2: 1?

    Question 3: A hop vine?


  3. Question 1 - hard to tell with you - taking up painting?
    Question 2 - 1
    Question 3 - some kind of flowering vine

  4. Sharon, thank you for your is a joy to read!

    Question 1: Cleaning the sewing rooms and mud room.
    Question 2: 1
    Question 3: Hop vine

  5. Congratulations on your 600th blog. It has been a pleasure and a whole lot of fun following your adventures and life with us.

    Question 1: Organizing and cleaning your mud & sewing room, doing laundry, ironing & listening to books.

    Question 2: You have had 3 dogs.

    Question 3: You have seen beautiful sunsets, various forms of wildlife that include: deer, bunny rabbits, woodchucks, various kinds of birds, flowers, corn, hedgerow, vine where your blue spruce stood before, birdhouse and plants .

    Remember May the Bliss be with you Always :)

  6. Hi Sharon,

    1. Painting
    2. Two
    3. Hops vine

    Thanks for all you posts you keep us entertained and informed. I hope you become president soon so that you can slow time. :-)


  7. Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for all the laughter and education!

    1. Reiki
    2. Two
    3. Your lawn growing at the speed of light.

    Rose Pease

  8. Hi Sharon
    Here are my guesses
    1 Reike master
    2 3 boxers
    3 weeds and grass

    See you Monday


  9. Well darn, I commented the other day and don't see it, I stink a replies on blogs! haha
    well here WERE my answers although they are too late :(
    1. reiki
    2. 3
    3. corn


Don't be shy! Leave me a's so lonely without hearing from you!